Academic achievement is one of the greatest strengths of Accelerated Christian Education. Graduates from the A.C.E. program are attending more than 1,400 colleges and universities globally with outstanding performance.
Conventional educational programs take the student through a spiral of material while introducing him to new skills in sequence. Since students are grouped chronologically, they are lockstepped and receive the same material at the same time. However, students do not necessarily all have the same level of maturity as others of their chronological age, and their natural learning rates are not lockstepped with other students. The above-average student may master the skill the first time he is exposed to it, the average student may pick up part of it, and the below-average student will often grasp only a minimum amount or fail to understand it entirely. As the spiral continues, some students stay out in front while others are left behind for a season (or for good).
The A.C.E. program is designed around a new format: that of building skill upon skill. The scope and sequence ignores the concept of grade level and moves with continuous progress beginning with the first skill to be mastered. Depending on their ability and motivation levels, students may move ahead rapidly or take as long as necessary, but each student masters the material.
Each student learns essential academics and explores truths about God and His world without being pressured to keep up with a group. As the student moves upward, level after level, and moves into new concepts, he is far better prepared to learn because he has mastered the skill on the previous level. He does not advance until he has mastered each concept. He is not lockstepped with his classmates but is learning individually and completely before advancing. A.C.E. implements a unique and effective system.
Why the A.C.E. Program Works
A.C.E.'s PACE (Packet of Acelerated Christian Education) system has been tried and proven to be very effective in providing all the basic academic disciplines as well as instilling Godly character into the lives of students. The reasons why the A.C.E. program works can be summarized in these Seven Key Foundational Concepts:
Integration of Biblical Principles (Scripture memory, wisdom principles)
Godly Character Training (A.C.E. characters, 90 character traits of Christ)
Mastery-Based Learning
Built-In Reinforced System of Learning
Individualized Learning
Development of Critical Thinking Skills
With these foundational concepts being used now for over 50 years around the world, it is understandable why A.C.E. is known as THE learning tool for today—and the future!